I was very happy and surprised that my good friend
Amber nominated me
for a
Liebster Award!!
I didn't really know what it was until Amber explained it all to me. So, it is
basically a digital award, that blogs who have less than 200 followers get
from fellow bloggers
to show their support and get to
know the person behind the blog a little bit better.
1. You must link back to the person who nominated you.
2. You must answer the 11 questions given by the person who nominated you.
3. You pick 11 nominees with under 200 followers to answer your questions.
4. You cannot nominate the person who nominated you.
5. You must tell the nominees that they have been nominated by you.
Now here are the 11 questions Amber asked me to answer!
1. What is your favorite dessert?
I'm gonna go with fruit and chocolate.
Fruit always makes me feel healthy and doesn't taste bad either!
And chocolate is just pure love.
2. What is your favorite color?
Red, and I know it is not a color but I am also into black.
Red and Black together is also pretty amazing.
3. What's one of the scariest things you've ever done?
Start a youtube channel and post video's, I'm such a wild child,
no just kidding. I'm working on it though.
4. What accomplishment are you most proud of?
That I chose for myself, I know my parents aren't always that
happy with my choices about important things
like the future. And the last thing I want to do is disappoint them,
I really want to make them proud.
And I know I will. But I'm choosing my way of making them proud.
5. If you could try out any job for a day, what would you like to try?
Director, Actor or Producer. I was recently on a set for a dutch movie
called "Mooiboys"
(which I'm going to write a blogpost about this week)
and I was so fascinated by all the work that has to happen to make a movie.
And I loved being on the set and watching the crew do their job.
6. What embarrasses you?
I don't know.. I embarrass myself most of the time by saying stuff I shouldn't say or
just being weird.
7. Do you have a favorite number? any particular reason why you like
that number?
My favorite number is 14 since 2008 I think. It started off with a very big
obsession for
High School Musical, I was crazy about Zac Efron who
played Troy Bolton in the movies. Through out the movie he always had
number 14 on everything. Even though my HSM obsession has been over
for years I've always kept number 14 as my favorite number..
8. What is your favorite joke?
It's very sad that I never remember jokes and I have the worst sense of humor,
I can go on laughing
for hours about something who wasn't even
funny in the first place. I have absolutely no idea what my favorite joke is.
It is probably something of Tumblr.
9. If you could go back in history, who would you like to meet?
Hard question! Michael Jackson and his family, because he was so weird. I'd love
to try to understand what was going on in his mind.
10. Do you like to plan things out in detail or be spontaneous?
I'm not a planner, I'm the worst at planning things. So I got to go with being spontaneous.
11. If you could visit any country in the world, where would you go?
I would go to the bahama's and visit the Atlantis Paradise Island because that looks
like heaven, it is so pretty.
Here are my 11 questions
1. If you could give your younger self one bit of advise, what would it be? And why?
2. What is the first thing you notice from people when you meet them for the first time?
3. What are your turn on/off's?
4. What is your all time favorite movie?
5. Someone you look up to?
6. Favorite blog?
7. If you could choose one famous person, who would that be?
8. What would you ask this person?
9. Tea or Coffee?
10. Something you can't get enough of?
11. Favorite quote?
My nominee's are:
Most blogs are Dutch, since I live in Amsterdam I know mostly dutch blogging bloggers,
but if you speak dutch feel free to check out all those blogs!
If you decide to accept the Liebster Award, let me know by leaving a link
of your blogpost in the comment section below.