Sunday, 23 February 2014

What defines you?

TED, which means Technology, Entertainment, Design, is a meeting, 4 days long. Motivational speakers get invited to give a maximum 18 minutes presentation of their life. They talk about something they think is interesting, or a project or just simply something they think other people need to know about. I love to watch them myself, they give me inspiration.

So I want to tell you about this young woman named Lizzie Velasquez. Lizzie has this syndrome that, besides her, one other person in this world has. So it is a syndrome we don't know much about. But she basically doesn't gain any weight. So she's super skinny, and she can eat whatever she wants without gaining weight. Lizzie got named "the ugliest girl alive for being that skinny. People all over the world told her to kill herself. But she decided not the let her syndrome define her.

So at TED she spoke up about how she turned all this negativity in her life around, and let it make her stronger.


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